Activate your Skin’s Power

Did you know: We lose up to 25% of our collagen by age 45.

Sculptra is an injectable treatment which rebuilds natural collagen for youthful-looking results that last up to 2 years. Sculptra creates a collagen framework that helps restore structure and lost volume to smooth wrinkles, lines, and folds.

Sculptra is the first injectable collagen biostimulator containing microparticles of biocompatible poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA).

Let Sculptra help regenerate that collagen

How Exactly does Sculptra work?

Sculptra helps stimulate the production of type 1 collagen. Studies show a 66.5% increase in type 1 collagen after 3 months!

Scuptra is a 3-step process: The PLLA Microparticles are injected into the appropriate plane of the skin.

These particles recruit fibroblasts.

The fibroblasts deposit collagen, which helps reinforce the skin’s inner structure.

Results? Younger, more youthful appearance.

Long-lasting results for years to come

View more injectable treatments, here